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Tracy & Stuart


Tracey is a 47 year old marketing manager and she has been a single mum with 3 kids for the last 7 years untils he met Stuart and now they have blended their families with 5 kids between them. Tracey has always struggled with her weight and now she also has some health issues including borderline Type 2 Diabetes and high blood pressure. Tracey's goal is to lose 10kg now that she has kids so that she can be around to support them long into their futures and she also wants to get off her blood pressure medication.

‘’I don't feel as hungry as I used to. I have a lot of energy and I definitely feel a lot better within myself. My blood gluclose levels have dropped from 7.3mmol/l to 5.0mmol/l.In regards to my blood pressure, it has significantly dropped...I can start coming off the tablets if it continues like that. I did manage to lose 9.3kg over the 28 days. I still have a long way to go...but I can see how much this has made a difference in my own well-being and watching my girls listen to what I have to say.”


Stuart is a 52 year old accountant was previously a single dad with 2 young daughters for the last 6 years before meeting Tracey. Stuart knows he has too much sugar in his diet and he is worried as he has family members with Type 2 Diabetes. Stuart is currently pre-diabetic. He knows his health can change quickly and wants to make sustainable healthy lifestyle changes for his family.

‘’My results were more modest than Tracey's but I have lost 3.8kg and its still my on-going goal to reach 95kg. I have removed the soft drink and I haven't missed it. I also haven't had an alcoholic drink over the last 28 days and I don't miss that either.”

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Kate Save

Hi, I’m Kate Save, a dietitian, exercise physiologist and diabetes educator with over 20 years of experience in the field of health and wellness. My passion is helping people to feel healthier and happier by giving them more energy and supporting their bodies with good nutrition to ensure they are functioning at their highest potential. But most importantly, I want to ensure that I can help people to boost their self-confidence so that they radiate their positive energy with others to inspire and motivate them to live healthier and happier lives too.

28 Days That Changed My Life is a passion project for me as I know what people are capable of achieving if they are supported and given the right tools to just get them started, then their incredible results keep them motivated initially and eventually they find that they no longer need the external motivation of results on the scales or in their clothing. They actually find that they want to continue their new healthy lifestyle habits and sustain their results as it just becomes a new healthier way of life. The long term rewards that we find that people who change their lifestyle behaviours are more about the way they feel in themselves as they report increased energy levels, a more positive mood and an overall feeling of self confidence when they know they are living their healthiest lives.

Doctor & Dietitian • Scientifically Developed • Snap-Frozen • Nutritionally Balanced

Want to Start Your Own Transformation? Join Be Fit Food!

The hardest part of making dietary changes is actually the prep work. Be Fit Food takes away the need for a complicated food shop, researching recipes and knowing the correct portion sizes (and not going back for seconds). At Be Fit Food, we want to take the guess work out of healthy eating by providing you with fully prepared, snap-frozen and portion controlled meals ready to heat and serve.

We provide 3 meals and 2 snacks per day within our programs. For those that are active or need additional protein, we offer a protein plus option which provides up to 50 additional grams of protein.

For the utlimate flexibility, you can get our Reset Program bundled into 28, 14 or 7 days.

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Metabolism Reset | 28 Days | Full Breakfast

Metabolism Reset 
28 Days

28 x Breakfasts, 28 xLunches, 28 x Dinners
 4 x 7 Snack Packs


Protein Plus | Metabolism Reset
28 Days

28 x Breakfasts, 28 xLunches, 28 x Dinners, 4 x 7 Snack Packs
2 x Pre-Workout/Protein Snacks, 2 x Post-Workout/Protein Snacks


Low-Carb • High Protein • Real Food Approach • 4-12 Veggies in Every Meal

Achieve your own 28 Days health transformation with Be Fit Food. In celebration of the launch of our digital series we are offering FREE tailored transformation plans from our specialist dieticians. We’ll work with you to design your own 28 Day transformation plan & make your health dreams come true in 2024. Book your transformation now - hurry whilst spots last!