How to Set Yourself up for Success with SMART Goals
Are you feeling tired and ready to detox after a hectic Christmas period? Did you find this season more exhausting than many others, trying to catch up after another year of COVID lockdowns? We are here to tell you… you are not alone! This has been a constant conversation Australia-wide.
Enjoying a few extra slices of cake and a few more cocktails than usual is worth it during the festive period, especially when we are all catching up with loved ones after many forced months apart, however, there is always the lingering inevitable sluggish feeling that comes with it. That exhaustion that comes from both a tired mind and an unhealthy gut.
Well, a New Year has arrived, and it is time to be SMART after the silly season. Creating New Years’ Resolutions and goals are fantastic but keeping them SMART is even better! A SMART goal is:
- Specific
- Measurable
- Attainable
- Relevant
- Time-limited
For example, if you’ve started this New Year thinking, “I’m going to start eating better”, try making it more specific, “I’m going to include at least 3 vegetables for my lunch and dinner meals Monday-Friday, for 6 weeks’.
It might seem counter productive to have a time limit on a health behaviour goal, but short-term goals can help you achieve longer term results. For example, after the 6 weeks of having added the extra veggies to your meals, you may decide to start replacing your snacks with healthier alternatives. By this stage eating all those nutritious veggies will just be habitual!
When choosing a goal for yourself, take some time to reflect on what will be most suitable for you. You might already eat enough vegetables, but you don’t exercise often. So, a goal about eating your vegetables won’t help improve you. A “new you” could mean hitting the gym 2-3 times a week and getting your sweat on. A “new you” could be choosing sparkling water over a fizzy drink, Monday-Friday.
Sometimes habits can be hard to break, but we are here to help. Your “new you” could mean doing a Be Fit Food program to get you started!
History has repeatedly shown us that a 14-Day Metabolism Reset or Be Fit Food Monthly Challenge can make the transition from indulging to eating right much quicker, simpler and more beneficial in setting you up for long term change and success.
If you’re wanting to give things a go on your own, a Metabolism Reset will help you reset your motivation to eat healthier whole foods, heal your gut, and lose a couple of Christmas kilos rapidly.
If you like the motivation and support from others who are on the same program as you, do your 2 weeks with new friends from across the country on a Monthly Challenge. This is the same program as the Reset, but comes with daily podcasts from wellness industry professionals as well as a private Facebook support group where your resetting peers will share their recipes, tips for success, support and more.
If you want to take your New Year goals to a new SMART level, seriously consider a 14-Day program each season. At 4 times per year (just 56 days of the 365 available!), these regular resets are an invaluable way to keep you on track, and a great idea for those who struggle to find motivation now and then and need something to keep those healthy habits habitual.
If you need a bit of help with your goal setting or need some guidance on how to bounce back after the silly season, it would be a great idea to speak about this with your dietitian. Remember you can book in for a FREE consultation with one of our Accredited Practicing Dietitians here at Be Fit Food.
The New Year is here. It’s time to break some bad habits and create some new habits. Either go it alone with your SMART goals or join us for a program. The inevitable feelings of overall wellness you will achieve after 2 weeks have proven to be so addictive, you will just want to keep going.
Happy New Year friends!
Here’s to a healthy, wonderful, SMART 2022.
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