Competition ends 16th October. There are 4 vouchers to be won. Winner will be drawn at random and announced by Diabetes Victoria.
- Use CODE: DIABETESVIC35 at checkout to receive $35 off your initial order of minimum $99.
- Place your Diabetes Victoria membership number in the notes section at checkout, so we can verify your membership.
- Once verified, you will receive an exclusive automatic discount of 5% ongoing with Be Fit Food.
- Congratulations! For every $1 you spend 5% will be donated to Diabetes Victoria.
- This offer is exclusive to Diabetes Victoria members only.
Type 2 diabetes is a chronic condition characterised by elevated blood glucose levels, often due to insulin resistance or insufficient insulin production. There are many reasons why someone may develop type 2 diabetes. Some of the common risk factors are having a family history of type 2 diabetes as well as lifestyle factors such as weight and food choices. In some cases, type 2 diabetes can be prevented or can go into remission with dietary management and lifestyle choices.
Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune condition that cannot be prevented or reversed(1).
For people with diabetes, it's important to adopt a healthy eating pattern that supports stable blood glucose levels. An approach that has shown benefits is following a portion and carbohydrate-controlled diet that emphasises high-quality proteins and is abundant in fibre from whole-grains and vegetables. This way of eating can help optimise blood glucose levels, reduce insulin resistance, and support weight management (2,3,4).
Be Fit Food aims to align with this way of eating, by offering a wide range of nutrient dense, high protein ready-made frozen meals.
At Be Fit Food, we offer a variety of programs and bundles that can be tailored to your needs and are suitable for both weight loss and management of diabetes.
We offer complementary consultations with our Accredited Practising Dietitians, and we encourage all people living with, or at risk of diabetes, to discuss their personal health goals with a health professional.
Please note, following a low carbohydrate and/or very low calorie diet may not be appropriate for all people living with diabetes. Some people living with diabetes may also have higher risk of hypoglycemia when reducing carbohydrate intake or starting a low calorie diet. Speak to your healthcare team before making changes to your diabetes management.
All of our meals are interchangeable and can be used to replace any meal of the day.
Be Fit Food conducted a study investigating the impact of consuming one-week of Be Fit Food on body composition and managing blood glucose levels in people with Type 2 Diabetes.
Ten people with Type 2 Diabetes consumed their usual diet for one week, followed by one-week of a Be Fit Food delivered meal program called Be Rapid. Body composition (percentages of fat, bone, water and muscle) was assessed, and blood glucose levels were monitored using a continuous glucose monitor.
Significantly greater weight loss than the participant's usual diet
Results demonstrated that one week on the Be Rapid Meal program had a greater impact on weight loss ranging from 0.1-6.2kg (average 3.3kg) in the first week, than the participants usual diet (average 0.8kg weight loss).
Significant reductions in blood glucose levels
Results also showed lower daily average blood glucose levels (6.1±1.5mmol/L vs. 7.5±1.9), as well as lower daily peak (9.9±2.4mmol/L vs. 14.1±6.3), after lunch (7.2±1.9mmol/L vs. 9.3±2.3) and after dinner blood glucose levels (7.0±1.3mmol/L vs. 9.6±2.3) when following the Be Rapid program.

Further information on type 2 diabetes remission is available via Diabetes Australia here.
For more information and to find out which program is best suited to you, please book in a complementary consultation to speak to one of our Accredited Practicing Dietitians.
Alongside our range of weight-loss meals and programs, we are the first NDIS Provider to have a range of meals that have been co-created with the CSIRO to work with the CSIRO Low Carb Diet.
In clinical studies, the CSIRO Low Carb Diet has shown these benefits compared to a traditional high carbohydrate, low fat, diet:
✓ Improved metabolic health and blood glucose control
✓ Effective Type 2 Diabetes prevention and management
✓ Reduction in risk factors for heart disease
To find out more about the CSIRO Low Carb Diet and how it might work for your lifestyle, visit the CSIRO website.

- Baker Institute [Internet]. Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute. Baker Institute; [cited 2022Dec5]. Available from: https://baker.edu.au/-/media/documents/fact-sheets/baker-institute-factsheet-understanding-diabetes.pdf
- Diabetes: Australian facts, summary [Internet]. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. [cited 2022Dec5]. Available from: https://www.aihw.gov.au/reports/diabetes/diabetes/contents/summary
- Esther J van Zuuren, Zbys Fedorowicz, Ton Kuijpers, Hanno Pijl, Effects of low-carbohydrate- compared with low-fat-diet interventions on metabolic control in people with type 2 diabetes: a systematic review including GRADE assessments, The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Volume 108, Issue 2, August 2018, Pages 300–331, https://doi.org/10.1093/ajcn/nqy096
- Ahmed SR, Bellamkonda S, Zilbermint M, et al. Effects of the low carbohydrate, high fat diet on glycemic control and body weight in patients with type 2 diabetes: experience from a community-based cohort. BMJ Open Diab Res Care 2020;8:e000980. doi:10.1136/ bmjdrc-2019-000980
- Save K, Padula M, Murray B, Stephenson M, Costa V, Ballantyne L. The impact of a one week Be-Fit-Food delivered meal program on body composition and blood glucose in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus patients: Preliminary data. Obesity Research & Clinical Practice. 2019;13(3):313.
To be eligible to redeem this offer, you are required to have an active Diabetes Victoria membership. This offer can not be used in conjunction with any other offer or discount. Your ongoing membership will need to be verified by the team at Be Fit Food after initial order and this process takes up to 7 business days.
Unless expressly stated otherwise, Diabetes Victoria does not endorse third-party products, services, offers, or any other information provided by third parties. You must undertake your own inquiries to determine the accuracy and relevance of any products, services, offers, or other information provided by third parties. Diabetes Victoria is not liable for any representations made by such third parties in relation to their programs, services, member benefits and offers, or their provision of such items.